Friday, November 21, 2008

So I'm cheating on etsy...

Well - not really. I'm carrying on two relationships at the same time! I created one card at today. If you're not familiar with zazzle you can create personalized products there and if you want, you can post them on their market place for others to buy.

So we'll see. I used one of my pictures from our trip to BC this summer. I think I'll make a series of them. I love to take pictures and my scrapbook albums are so full! Photography seems to be a tough market to break into at Etsy. I might eventually try listing some at etsy - let's see if they sell at Zazzle!

Here's a link to my card...


Pam said...

Very nice! Your cards are unique:) and I am enjoying looking at them.

Grizzly Mountain Arts said...

Very nice cards and blog :)

Luthien Thye said...

welcome to blogsphere pen :) i enjoyed your cards :) love to see more of your work. i'm am in the midst of experimenting with paper as well... something which i haven't done :) have a creative week and God bless :)